

La dificultad de las personas ante las diferencias, y su actitud de inacepción cuando podrían beneficiarse del convivial con la diferencia para construir una nueva realidad, para sí y para los demás.

Versión en idioma Espanhol del poema en lengua portuguesa “Mediocridade", publicado en virtud del cual fue editado, lo que dificulta las traducciones directas, con el objetivo de preservar la propiedad intelectual regulada por la ley de propiedad intelectual, 9.610 / 98, última versión en adhesión a El tratado de Estocolmo.


Happy Peoples

We live trying to convince ourselves of our happiness to be happy, and if we call ourselves, then why do we always need someone to complete it?

English version of the Portuguese thought "Pessoas Felizes", published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.


Personas felices

Vivimos tratando de convencernos de nuestra felicidad para ser felices, y si nos llamamos, entonces ¿por qué necesitamos siempre a alguien para completarla?

Versión en idioma Espanhol del pensamiento en portugués "Pessoas felizes”, publicado en virtud del cual fue editado, lo que dificulta las traducciones directas, con el objetivo de preservar la propiedad intelectual regulada por la ley de propiedad intelectual, 9.610 / 98, última versión en adhesión a El tratado de Estocolmo.



Outra noite, outro dia 
Fecho meus olhos até que o mundo vire 
Resgatando apenas o que outros não podem salvar 
Queda no mundo. 
O mundo dos outros mundos 
Onde as crianças dançam 
E só há romance: 
Sem despedidas frias, 
Sem gritos solitários, 
Apenas tempo, tempo passado 
Tempo que possas ouvir
Pintando cores do arco iris, 
Sempre imaginando caindo; 

Decorating Poems

Moments in life when we have to take new paths to adapt old ideas, experience new convictions.

English version of the Portuguese thought "Decorando poemas", published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.

In front of the mirror

English version of the Portuguese thought "Diante do Espelho", published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.

Smart woman

English version of the Portuguese thought "Mulheres inteligentes", published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.
