War Speech

We who stand here as free men, we who shout freedom.

We here pay tribute to those who died defending it.

For every fallen comrade,another will pick up the shield and hold the line.

For every fallen comrade, he will hold the line.

Time is of the essence, and when darkness waits at bay, the sun will once more rise.

And with this shield, or on it. We will hold the line.

For fairness and truth, for justice and for all the goodness on this good earth.

We who stand here as free men, we who shout freedom.

We here pay tribute to those who died defending it.

For every fallen comrade, another will pick up the shield and hold the line.

For every fallen comrade, we will the hold the line.




Eu escrevo na lingua que quiser, aprende ingles .


Mas porque és o poeta com mais pontos neste forum pensas que podes vir insultar as pessoas , so porque sim? para alem de ignorante és um idiota.