Shadows of Gaza
The Shadows of Gaza poem deals with the war in Gaza without a political position, expresses the different states of the soul of those who must face the feelings that are imposed by a conflict of this magnitude, the shadows are the feelings transmuted by the horrors experienced in fear, impotence, despair, loneliness, longing, anger, indifference, hope, love, pain, pieces of the lives of people who are lost along the way. Still in its completion, it clarifies the indifference of other peoples for innumerable reasons, which do not suit us to judge and finally the fact that never in our existence or consciousness will the shadows cease to exist.
English version of the Portuguese poem “Sombras de Gaza”, published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.