

Original composition in Portuguese-Brazil language “Finalmente”, tradition and edition English. Format edited in the Spanish, Portuguese-Brazil and English language, on the author's page Facebook. Due to lack of time the poems are no longer being versioned or rhymed, literal translation is being used. All rights reserved.

Finalmente (Español)

Original composición en el idioma portugués-Brasil “Finalmente'', traducción y edicion Español. Formato editado en el Español, Portugués-Brasil e Inglés, en la página del autor. Debido a la falta de tiempo, los poemas ya no se versionan o riman, se está utilizando traducción literal. Todos los derechos reservados.

Because today is saturday

Original composition in Portuguese-Brazil language “Porque hoje é sábado”, version English. Format edited in the Spanish, Portuguese-Brazil and English language, on the author's page Facebook. Requests in original language, for translation for other languages, IN BOX. All rights reserved.

Porque hoy es sábado...

Original composición en el idioma portugués-Brasil “Porque hoje é sábado'', versión Español. Formato editado en el Español, Portugués-Brasil e Inglés, en la página del autor. Solicitudes en idioma original, para traducción para otros idiomas, IN BOX. Todos los derechos reservados.


Amo o silêncio 
Amo a luz que me ilumina
O sol que me aquece
O orvalho que se aninha nos abraços
Amo as coloridas flores do jardim
Amo o silêncio que me cerca
Amo a vida por onde me leva
Amo o canto dos pássaros
O perfume da manhã
Amo a terra que me há-de cobrir o corpo
A relva fresca que me tapará
Amo a chuva, lágrimas no deleite meu.

No destination

English version in the Portuguese poem “Sem destino”, published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.

For reasons of copyright, the poem can be requested in text for translation in the original language of the Brazilian language on the author's page.
