Wee world

The poem talks about the closure of intelligence in the face of the free world experienced by the involuntary practice of ignorance.

English version of the Portuguese poem "Mundo Pequenino", published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.

So much

Reports of the intensity of love.

English version of the Portuguese poem "Tanto", published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.

The lake and the weather

Make a comparison between calm and intensity and impatience of haste.

English version of the Portuguese poem "O lago e o tempo", published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.

Exile in Gaza

English version of the Portuguese poem "Exílio em Gaza", published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.

Era Voçê

Minha mão pálida treme A paixão medrosa cresceu me dominou mais logo mudou.

Depois o ciúmes a dor a desconfiança mas calmo o vento me levou .

Eu benigno , justo , envergonhado ,  romântico e verdadeiro me superei  nessa dor .

Minha alma chora em desesperança , a noite vem úmida fria a chuva cai em melancolias e eu Mateus ali sentado na chuva ponho-me em lagrimas nessa noite fria .

Vou lendo vou escrevendo as cartas românticas q te mandei e mandarei , mais eu temo cada momento pois posso desgostá-lá .
