Autor: Hygora Hoxy on Sunday, 2 June 2019Lutas
Autor: Hygora Hoxy on Sunday, 2 June 2019Concenciousness
Autor: Hygora Hoxy on Sunday, 12 May 2019English version in the Portuguese poem “Consciência”, published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.
For reasons of copyright, the poem can be requested in text for translation in the original language of the Brazilian language on the author's page.
Original in Portuguese and Spanish version on the author's page.
Autor: Hygora Hoxy on Thursday, 9 May 2019This poem represents the disappointment that the population lives with the country, the malaise of seeing it immersed in corruption without something can be done to fight it quickly and effectively, only a group of fearless officials of justice, fight against this monster called corruption that plagues many nations. The poem associates parts of the National Anthem, and its utopian and imaginary form, is contrary to the reality we live today.
Autor: Hygora Hoxy on Thursday, 9 May 2019
Este poema representa la decepción que la población vive con el país, el malestar de verlo inmerso en corrupción sin que se pueda hacer algo para combatirla de forma rápida y eficaz, sólo un grupo de intrépidos funcionarios de la justicia, luchan contra este monstruo llamado corrupción que asola a muchas naciones. El poema asocia partes del Himno Nacional, y su forma utópica e imaginaria, contraria a la realidad que vivimos hoy.
Autor: Hygora Hoxy on Thursday, 9 May 2019Este poema representa a decepção que a população vive com o país, o mal estar de vê-lo imerso em corrupção sem que se possa fazer algo para combate-la de forma rápida e eficaz, apenas um grupo de destemidos funcionários da justiça, lutam contra este monstro chamado corrupção que assola muitas nações. O poema associa partes do Hino Nacional, e sua forma utópica e imaginária, contraria a realidade que vivemos hoje.
Autor: Hygora Hoxy on Friday, 3 May 2019English version in the Portuguese poem “Escalada”, published by virtue of which it was edited, hindering direct translations, with the objective of preserving the intellectual property governed by the law of copyright, 9,610 / 98, last version in adhesion to the Stockholm treaty.
Original in Portuguese and Spanish version on the author's page.