Yellow Ipe

Original composition in Portuguese-Brazil language “Ipê amarelo”, tradition and edition English. Format edited in the Spanish, Portuguese-Brazil and English language, on the author's page Facebook. Due to lack of time the poems are no longer being versioned or rhymed, literal translation is being used. All rights reserved.

Ipe amarillo

Original composición en el idioma portugués-Brasil “Ipê amarelo'', traducción y edición Español. Formato editado en el Español, Portugués-Brasil e Inglés, en la página del autor. Debido a la falta de tiempo, los poemas ya no se versionan o riman, se está utilizando traducción literal. Todos los derechos reservados.

The other part

Original composition in Portuguese-Brazil language “A outra parte”, tradition and edition English. Format edited in the Spanish, Portuguese-Brazil and English language, on the author's page Facebook. Due to lack of time the poems are no longer being versioned or rhymed, literal translation is being used. All rights reserved.
